All Sec 3 NCOs are planning a Heritage trip for the Unit and while doing there Heritage Badge. On Sunday 27 July, they went to Changi Chapel as they wanting to use Changi Chapel as the Unit Outing. But they said it is too small to fit the whole Unit in there. They have walk the whole stretch of road from Chani Village to Changi Airport. They have decided later to go to Changi Village, and have the Unit Outing there. But what is the history there? Is there alot of places for the Cadets to learn about the History of Changi?
Sir Mr Soo said we can have Changi Chapel as one of the Check Point of the Unit Outing. But what other Checkpoint we can have that is in a walking distance away.
I have to make out Questions for the Cadat on the history of Changi.
And when is the Unit outing?
We can have the Unit outing at Changi Chapel or Changi Museum.
Link: Changi Museum Homepage
Sec 3 Cadet, Evan