2. Please refer to the program as follow:
S/N | Level | Activities | Venue | Time | Attire | Action By |
01 | All | Attendance Taking | Behind Canteen | 1600-1615 | Muftee | UL, AULs, SLs |
02 | Sec 1 | Total Defence (Bronze) | Class 1/2 | 1615-1715 | Muftee | SLs, ASLs |
03 | Sec 2 | Total Defence (Silver) | Class 1/4 | 1615-1715 | Muftee | SLs, ASLs |
04 | All | Games Day | School Premise | 1715-1815 | Pt-Kit | UL, AULs, SLs |
05 | All | Dismissal | Pond Area | 1815-1830 | PT Kit | UL, AULs, SLs |
3. Attendance is Compulsory.